Pages for Bee Information

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Frustration of No Camera

My sweet daughter who has the same camera as the one I destroyed last week offered to lend me her camera so I would not be without one while I wait for the one I ordered. Hopefully I may have some pictures tomorrow or the next day.

Meanwhile, we've had two good days of temperature and sky and at the end of the week the bees were working their little hearts out. Both Mellona and Proteus had so much action by the hive that it looked as if orientation flights of new bees were going on all day. In reality, I think they were working hard and fast and zooming in and out of the hives. I have seen bees arriving both with legs laden with pollen as well as hopefully bees filled with nectar.

The weather in Atlanta is not going to help the honey crop this year. From extra cold weather (more to come tomorrow) to really bad rain (right this minute), the work of the bees has been disrupted.

We'll see if I get any honey at all this year.

Beekeeping opens the door to many more things in my environment on which to focus. For example, I now watch the weather every day and think about the effect of whatever is going on with the weather on my bees. I am more interested when I see articles in the paper about how the farmer in this country is affected by the weather.

I also think about how we get so scared of what we don't understand. The papers in this country are filled every day with articles about communities that are so scared of bees that hives are being destroyed by firefighters or pest control people. And these very bees are the pollinators on which so much of our foodstuff depends. Here's an article from India on the same theme.

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