Pages for Bee Information

Friday, January 29, 2010

The MOST Fabulous Present

On Thursday it was my friend George's birthday. He and I have known each other as professional colleagues for years. We refer back and forth and consult with each other, but beyond the professional contact, I consider George a dear friend. Well, on his birthday, he brought me a present!

I couldn't believe it - this adorable honey bee honey holder. And it's anatomically correct - all six legs are attached to the thorax (can you tell I'm studying for Master Beekeeper?).

Anyway, I came straight home and filled it with honey. I took these pictures without flash because I love how golden and glowing the bee looks, with honey in her abdomen, ready to share it with you (or anyone who comes by!)

Isn't she lovely? You lift up her wings and the stick coming out of her back is a silver scoop for delivering honey to the biscuit or whatever confection you plan to eat with honey.

Thank you, George. What a perfect and perfectly lovely gift! I feel so privileged to be remembered on George's birthday!

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  1. that is one sweet bee!

  2. That is the most awesome honey holder I have ever seen! What a cool friend.

  3. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Fantastic! Now I've just got to find one for my Wife.

  4. That's lovely. Isn't it great when people know just what to get you.

  5. What a beautiful gift from a beautiful friend! Valentine's day is coming & I'm showing this to the drone in my life. :) T

  6. Wow, I want one of those ! I have a small collection of honey pots and most of them have been given to me - it is so lovely to have people in your life that think about what you would like ..
