Pages for Bee Information

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Install Number Two at my Daughter's House in Atlanta

This patient package has waited in the basement of my mountain house overnight after a drive in the car for an hour or so. Then today they went back in the car, waited while I installed the hive in Rabun County, and then drove two hours home to Atlanta, waited in the car while I had lunch.....before driving to Valerie's house about 30 minutes away.

I moved the top bars - first to make room for the queen cage (took out one bar) and second to make room for the bees (took out about three bars). I brought two jars of sugar syrup and Boardman feeders to put in the hive - don't think I remembered to take pictures.

On the edge of the hive were these bees still left from the hive who was installed (swarm) and then absconded the next day. I sprayed them with sugar water.

The package still looks good after all of its travel. You can see in the picture below that there are very few dead bees on the bottom of the package. I also sprayed these girls with sugar syrup and they quieted down immediately.

I tacked the queen cage to the third bar in and replaced the top bar above it.

I then dumped the bees from the package into the top bar hive.

I had the camera on a tripod and didn't get a great picture.

I replaced all the top bars, pulled the cork out of the entry on the side of the hive, placed the package in front of the hive entry, returned the bricks to the top of the hive and crossed my fingers.  The bees seemed to be orienting as I left.

I've installed nucs and swarms, but these were my first package installs.  It was so easy.  I know it's a bunch of bees who aren't sisters and who aren't related to the queen, but they seemed happy, nonetheless.  We'll see what Paul Harvey used to call "The Rest of the Story."  I hope it's a good one.

Don's bees seemed quite wonderful, the installs went well, and the bees seemed glad to be in the spaces both at Rabun County and in East Atlanta.  I have a lot of hope for both of these hives.

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  1. I am just starting with a top bar too (may 8th). I was wondering if you reduced the size of the hive with follower boards. Most of the advice I have come across is that you should reduce it down to just 6 or 7 bars. I was thinking about hanging the queen and setting the package inside the hive. I really enjoy and appreciate this blog.

  2. Michael Bush says that if you have a follower board, use it, but if you don't, don't worry. I do have follower boards and moved the board about halfway so the hive space is about half the length of the box. I wanted to accommodate the two Boardman feeders I left in the bottom of the hive, although I suppose I could have left them outside the space for the hive. I am terrified of losing these bees since I have already had one unsuccessful install into this hive, so maybe I should go back and shorten the distance to seven or eight bars with the Boardmans outside in the empty hive space.....???

  3. Well awesome..I hope they continue to do well!

  4. The TBH looks great! I have been planning to build one but haven't had the time yet.

    I hope these colony stays and enjoys that new home.
