Pages for Bee Information

Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's the Birthday of the Blog

On April 15, 2006, I wrote my first blog post!  My post tonight on April 15, 2010 is my 682nd post.  Tomorrow I begin my fifth year as a beekeeper and my fifth year keeping this blog.  I've been so lucky along the way.  I've had contact with so many interesting people and have enjoyed learning from each and every one who has shared his/her own experience.
 A few facts you might enjoy:

  • As of this moment 558 people subscribe to this blog through RSS feeds
  • As of this moment 298 people "follow" this blog which is another form of subscribing
  • People have visited this blog from 163 different countries.  The top five countries from which visitors come are the United States, Turkey, Great Britain, Canada and Australia, in that order.

  • This blog is linked to by 714 other sites, including many state and local beekeeping association sites

  • According to Google Analytics, the site has been visited 171,594 times since I first put the site on Google Analytics in July 2007.  There have been 319,898 page views by those 171,594 people.

  • The second most popular page (next to the first page) is the video on how to use the simple solar wax melter.  That has been watched from this page 14,279 times!

  • Next most popular is the video on honey harvest via crush and strain which has been viewed from this site 10,441 times!

  • It took about a year for the number of visitors in a day to top 100.  For the last five days here are the numbers of visitors who have stopped by:
    • Sunday the 11th 785
    • Monday the 12th 724
    • Tuesday the 13th 519 and 
    • yesterday Wednesday the 14th 617

  • Thanks to all of you for your support, your kind and helpful comments and your interest in bees in general and my beekeeping in particular.  I hope we all have a great bee season in 2010.


  1. Kelli3:27 AM

    Hi Linda. Just wanted to say thank you for starting your blog on beekeeping! I have been educated in so many different aspects of beekeeping from your trials and successes. Thanks again!

  2. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Happy Anniversary! Thank you for sharing your experiences with all of us. I have enjoyed your blog and check it daily. It's great!

  3. Congratulations Linda! That is awesome :)

  4. Happy Birthday-of-the-Blog!
    I can't tell you how helpful your 682 posts have been to this 2nd-year Newbeek! Far better than the theoretical descriptions or "just do it THIS way" instructions from most beekeepers on the net! Having you show the actual processes and the good (and bad) results is far more informative. Keep up the good work!


  5. Happy Birthday Linda. Your blog is the first to come to when looking for answers!
