Pages for Bee Information

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Nectar Flow has Begun - The Tulip Poplar is in Bloom!

With the bloom of the tulip poplar, the nectar flow begins in Georgia. My neighborhood is full of tulip poplar trees. I have several in my yard. This lovely branch is in front of one of my neighbor's houses, dipping down and showing the large and lovely bloom. The bees must think they are in heaven, diving into the nectar in these blooms.

In another sign of spring, the house finch that has nested in a corner of my carport has hatched her babies and they are about ready to leave the nest. Here are two of the babies waiting to learn to fly. I didn't get a great picture because I was scared to stay too long or get too close. To keep them happy, I haven't turned on my carport light all spring long and have turned off my security light that is right on the other side of the wall at the back of their nest.

Last year chickadees occupied this nest. This year there are these house finches.

And every night a barred owl calls out "Who cooks for you?" into the night outside my window in the trees.

Spring is in full force in Atlanta!
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  1. I love this post. I have poplars, but the blooms are waaaaaaaaaaaay up high as the trees are very tall! I love your description of the barred owl. I am glad spring is here too!

  2. oh I love the pic of the owls!

  3. Lovely photos, thank you. I likewise love the Spring, especially when the days are clear, warm and calm. The bees and I enjoy the same weather. My bees have been flying in with their little saddlebags loaded with pollen and only need the slightest warm day to be encouraged out of the hive to forage. I'm anticipating a great honey harvest this summer.

  4. Yay! I love the photos. Spring is my favorite time of year. I know those Tulip Poplar's will be a wonderful source of yummy sweetness for the bees. :) I'd love to hear the owl - I've never heard a barred owl's call. Also, I bet you are going to have so much fun watching those house finches rear their young. So sweet.
