Pages for Bee Information

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bees and Wax Glands

Noah, Julia's son, has claimed their top bar hive as his own. He was looking in his hive yesterday and actually saw the bees with wax coming from their wax glands on their abdomen. You can really see the wax on the bee in the center of the first picture (thanks, Julia).

Below although the picture is fuzzy, you can again see wax flakes coming from the bees abdomen where the wax glands are located!

The bees take the wax flakes and mold them with their mandibles to make honeycomb.
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  1. Wow! Those are fantastic pictures! I've never seen wax glands in action before.

  2. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Noah, a great observer!

  3. Wendy9:36 AM

    love it!
