Pages for Bee Information

Sunday, June 20, 2010

News and Views from the Top Bar Hive

Doesn't the green look lovely with the grass in Valerie and Jeff's back yard? Topsy's bees were flying in and out contentedly when I arrived. They seemed happy.

I donned my bee jacket and opened up the top of the hive.

The bees had built out to about 1/3 of the box. They seemed to have used the top bars well. This top bar is the last built out top bar in the hive.

The top bar just next to it was solid brood and looked so good. I'm excited that they are doing well and building up. Hip Hip Hooray!
I only pulled two bars - they are living happily in the hive and doing well. Since it is exceedingly hot in Atlanta right now, I opened up the cork-stopped side opening to give them a little air circulation and another door.

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  1. Your photography is beautiful.

  2. Linda, your girls look gorgeous! So happy this is doing well for them and for you!
