Pages for Bee Information

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Top Bar Hive is HUNGRY!

Before I left Atlanta to come to Boone for EAS, I went over to Valerie's to check on the top bar hive.  Today at EAS I am going to a workshop about how to build a top bar from scraps and weeds.  Hmmmm.

Here's the entry corner of the hive.  They are enthusiastically coming in and out.  Kudzu drapes over the fence above the hive and it is about to come into bloom.  That will give the bees some nectar.  In the meantime, they are hungry bees.

I brought another jar of the too-thin honey to feed to them.  They had completely drained the quart jar I left for them last week.  I transferred the Boardman top to the new jar.

I have the Boardman sitting on two shims inside the hive on the screened bottom.  I set it in there again, much to the bees' delight.

I stuck my camera inside the hive and took a picture.  Here is the parade of top bar comb.  You can see that they don't like the cotton string that I used to tie in some fallen comb.  There is also comb on the screened bottom - people tell me that comb sometimes falls off of the top bars onto the floor of the hive.  I hate that the bees put that much effort into wax building only to lose the comb like that.

Here the honey sits with the bees coming to feed.

I have just about enough of that thin honey to provide them with one more quart jar.  I hope that the Kudzu will  be in bloom when I get home so that I won't have to worry about them so much.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a first year beekeeper and really enjoy your blog, since I am just over in Paulding County. I put in one of the inside feeders in my hives (3 at the moment) and in the one hive I checked the bees consumed it all in one day (about 3 quarts). With the extreme heat and the summer dearth I think they were very hungry as well. I fed them again yesterday, and I'll go back in today to check and see how much they are consuming. I want to get them well prepared for the winter and give them enough time to stock up (this one is a split I did).
