Pages for Bee Information

Monday, September 06, 2010

Talk at Young Israel Youth Program in Toco Hills

Today my friend Jay and I did a talk and demonstration for the young people at the Young Israel Program in Toco Hills in Atlanta. The group was larger than we expected and the kids and their parents were quite enthusiastic. Before the talk one little boy could be overheard saying to his mother, "I don't want to get stinged" and his mother replied, "The bees can't get out." But he was quite concerned and voiced this several times.

However when Jay dropped the sides of the observation hive and let the kids come forward, he came too. Here are about a third of the young people looking at the bees while Jay points out the workers and the queen with his flashlight.

We had some giant flowers and a wonderful model of honey comb that Jay had made with pill dispensing cups filled with various representations of honey, nectar, and pollen. I wish I had taken a picture of it, but maybe I'll have another chance when he and I run a table at a fair in late October.

Of course we had to do the waggle dance. Actually given the shape of the room and the size of the crowd, I decided to make it a circle dance. Here are the children following me the Pied Piper of Beedom as we buzz and flap our wings and waggle our way around the room.

At the end of our talk, the children had a snack of apples dipped in honey. Rosh Hashanah is coming up and dipping apples in honey symbolizes a sweet new year in the Jewish tradition. The organizers of this event wanted the children to understand a little more about honey.

This beautiful little girl was enjoying her apple dipped in honey.

This threesome shared the same honey plate and gave up the apples for fingers which was more efficient!

Jay sold some of his organic honey to some of the parents.

In general we had fun and the children appeared to learn something and enjoy the event.
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  1. How cool Linda! I'm inspired by all the educational opportunities you provide to young children. My son is in kindergarten this year & I'm hoping to be able to offer some similar type of learning opportunities to his class.

    Thank you for sharing! we especially love see you do the waggle dance!
    Tam :)

  2. That is so fabulous! What a great education about bees you are providing to these young kids. They will grow up to be good stewards of the bees thanks to your efforts.
