Pages for Bee Information

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Checking on Blue Heron

We're in early winter phase in Atlanta. The nights are in the high 30s and low 40s but the days soar up to 69 or so. The temperature doesn't rise to flying temperature until the middle of the day. There is, of course, nothing to forage but the bees do fly to relieve themselves. I also wonder if they are generally exploring to see the state of the world at large.

My nephew Ben and his fiance, Stacey, were here this weekend, so they wanted to see the Blue Heron hive. We walked the trail over there - two Eagle scouts have made improvements to the trail that are so wonderful - and then visited the bees.

Here are Ben and Stacey, appropriately attired for the visit.

My hive had bees flying in and out - I saw at least 20 when we first walked up. It was about 59 degrees when we arrived at the hive.
They had emptied the baggie and almost consumed all of the bottled syrup in the interior Boardman. However, clearly it's easier for them to access and use the baggie feed.

I replaced both the baggie and the jar below and cut three slits in the baggie.

Julia is on vacation and asked me to check on her bees. I did not see a single bee coming out of the hive and her feeder was completely full. She asked me to take the feeder off, but I didn't have a reasonable way to dispose of the sugar water, so I left it there. I'm really worried that the hive has died.

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  1. Hello Linda, the bag is SMALL holes; and how many; Thank Tasos

  2. The slit I cut in the baggie is about 1 inch long and I cut three of them. The jar has numerous nail holes punched in the top before inverting it.

  3. Great photo of Ben and Stacey! Sorry I never comment...I do read every single entry on my blog reader and often click on each post because I just like looking at your blog. Love the background... : )

  4. I just captured my first small swarm. I hope it makes it. I've only had it a few days but they are still here. I am feeding with a jar inside the empty super. Where do you make the slits on the bags? I might add one if I need to be away overnight. Very informative site. I'll be back

  5. Linda, what exactly is that black tray (looks like a tool carrier out of a small plastic tool box) and could you please explain the workings of it.

  6. Linda--(newbie here) I have 2 hives here in NW GA. One has good in/out activity, one doesn't. The one that doesn't seems to be ignoring the outside Boardman feeder. Neither seem to like the interior frame feeder. You use a baggie--can something that simple be the answer? And where exactly should it be placed? I have a full super on top of the hive body, and an empty super with the inside feeder on top of that. Thanks for any advice. :-)
