Pages for Bee Information

Monday, April 02, 2012

And on to Stonehurst Place

Well, after a kind of rough start at Sebastian and Christina's house, I went on to the Stonehurst Place Inn where I installed two more nucs.  This went smoothly.

First I put the nucs on top of the hive bodies where they would live and opened the screened wire.

The bees seemed delighted to be freed from captivity.

These bees looked good although there weren't as many bees in the nucs as in the first two I installed.

I did not see either queen but the brood looked good and I saw new eggs in both installed hives.

Above and below you can see brood frames.

They are happily ensconced in their new homes.

I did see one bee in one of the hives that I installed here with definite deformed wing virus.  We'll keep watching for other varroa vectored problems.

While there I inspected the one hive that made it through the winter.  It was full of bees and full of drawn wax filled with honey.  I added a box recently to that hive on March 20, but it was full, so I added a new box.
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