The empty frame, dripping honey, had to be carried back to the super without getting honey on my floor so I held the frame in a mixing bowl and carried it back to the super.
I used a wooden pestle to crush the honeycomb.

You can see more and more of the gorgeous liquid as the process continued.
The plastic cutting sheet along with a rubber spatula helped me transfer the honey from the roasting pan to the five gallon bucket I had waiting. (see next post!)

Have you ever heard of someone using a fruit grinder/crusher to extract honey? I have used a small rotary extractor before, but I am too cheap to buy a large scale extractor, and I am using foundationless frames. I would be using this on several hives. Seems like one could crush the combs into one drum and then filter it into another drum... I did find this patent for an overcomplicated system: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/5913766.html