This is the second super I've harvested from the Destin hive. This honey is lighter and tastes a little tart - really yummy.
I cut it off of the frames and put some into comb honey jars. I smashed the rest of it for liquid honey. It's now straining in my front yard in a closed bucket.
The flexible plastic cutting board has been the secret to less messy honey harvesting. I just take the plastic covered with honey and put it into the strainer. I use a rubber spatula to scrape as much honey as possible from the plastic cutting board.

My children used to love to lick the bowl and never liked to see the rubber spatula - because I am great at getting almost all of the honey/frosting/brownie mixture - whatever we were cooking off of the container and into the pan. I always left batter on purpose so they'd actually be able to lick the bowl, but I got every bit of honey off of the plastic cutting mat and into the strainer.
Everyone says doing honey in your kitchen means a sticky mess, so I wanted you to see the extent of the mess - honey on the counter that has to be washed off, but that's about all. The cardboard protects the floor.

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