Yesterday I got an email from a new beekeeper who belongs to my Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Club. He had arranged to get two hives of bees from Cindy Bee (the Georgia Beekeeper of the year). He was going to pick up the bees tonight from Cindy. I was so complimented to find out that he thought, from reading this blog, that I might be able to help him set up the hives. I was thrilled to be asked and made plans to drive and meet him and his new bees at an organic vegetable garden which was to be the bees' new home
Here is Derrick with his first hive set on the cinder blocks he had put there earlier in the day.

Derrick planned to feed the bees for a few days to get them up and running. Here he has set up his Boardman feeder. Cindy had closed the front of the hive with foam
Derrick is removing the foam to allow the bees to "bee" in their new location. Bees, of course, clung to the foam so we left it near the entrance of the hive so the bees could make their way back inside.
Here is Derrick with his first hive set on the cinder blocks he had put there earlier in the day.
Derrick planned to feed the bees for a few days to get them up and running. Here he has set up his Boardman feeder. Cindy had closed the front of the hive with foam
Derrick is removing the foam to allow the bees to "bee" in their new location. Bees, of course, clung to the foam so we left it near the entrance of the hive so the bees could make their way back inside.
So here are Derrick's two hives, mostly set up and ready to go. (We couldn't figure out how to undo the strap wrapped around the two hive boxes so Derrick will return with the instructions to do that in the daylight.) A new beekeeper has joined the rest of us in this wonderful hobby! And I had a great time being a part of it!
Derrick is my dear friend and he named one of the hives after me! I am sooooo honored!! Thank you for being so sweet and helping him set up his hives. I think it is absolutely wonderful that you are all doing your part to take care of this beautiful earth!
Angie Abernathy
Derrick is my dear friend and he named one of the hives after me! I am sooooo honored!! Thank you for being so sweet and helping him set up his hives. I think it is absolutely wonderful that you are all doing your part to take care of this beautiful earth!
Angie Abernathy
I found your blog tonight from the beesource forum. I'm getting my first hive (here in Dunwoody anyway, I used to keep bees in a prior life) from John in Milledgeville tomorrow. I haven't used blogger in a while and need to update my profile. Will do that in a few. J.