Welcome - Explore my Blog

I've been keeping this blog for all of my beekeeping years and I am beginning my 19th year of beekeeping in April 2024. Now there are more than 1300 posts on this blog. Please use the search bar below to search the blog for other posts on a subject in which you are interested. You can also click on the "label" at the end of a post and all posts with that label will show up. At the very bottom of this page is a list of all the labels I've used.

Even if you find one post on the subject, I've posted a lot on basic beekeeping skills like installing bees, harvesting honey, inspecting the hive, etc. so be sure to search for more once you've found a topic of interest to you. And watch the useful videos and slide shows on the sidebar. All of them have captions. Please share posts of interest via Facebook, Pinterest, etc.

I began this blog to chronicle my beekeeping experiences. I have read lots of beekeeping books, but nothing takes the place of either hands-on experience with an experienced beekeeper or good pictures of the process. I want people to have a clearer picture of what to expect in their beekeeping so I post pictures and write about my beekeeping saga here.Master Beekeeper Enjoy with me as I learn and grow as a beekeeper.

Need help with an Atlanta area swarm? Visit Found a Swarm? Call a Beekeeper. ‪(404) 482-1848‬

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm Complimented - this blog gets special listing

I usually check the stats on this blog to see where my visitors come from to visit it. I get visitors from all over the world, so it's always interesting to see the countries, states, and cities from which people come. If you scroll down to the bottom of this page, you'll see a map that is updated frequently during a day that shows what parts of the world have sent visitors to my site. I often visit the "referring website" to see if there is an obvious connection to bees.

Today a number of visitors have come from:


I clicked on it and discovered that my blog is listed right at the top of the list - no wonder there are so many different visitors today. According to my statcounter at 7:30 EDT, there have been almost 4000 visitors today (compared to a typical day of 350 visits).

Thank you, Blogspot, for noticing my efforts to communicate about my beekeeping challenges!


  1. Great information, love honey and bees.

  2. Anonymous1:41 PM

    This is really cool....

  3. What a great blog! Congratulations, one question, where did you buy your hives from? You can view my brand new blog at bstocks.blogspot.com

  4. Congrats on the blog of note! Honey is the best sweetener. Blogs of Note seems to really like blogs that have a very definite focus, and yours sure fits the bill.

  5. Congrats on your Blog making blogs of note.


  6. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Awwwwwww Bees are so cute! I love bees!!!!!

  7. congratulation of being on the blog of note!

  8. Great blog. I'm putting it in my "favorites" as soon as I get home to my own computer! I know nothing of bee keeping, but am a nerd who loves to learn new things and look forward to checking out what you have accomplished. Best of luck to you and enjoy your little friends!
    -John Mc.
    P.S. Yes, "Blogs of Note," which I RARELY click on, is how I stumbled upon your site.

  9. Facinating creatures. nice blog! congrat on getting to the Blog of Notes!
    My Credit Card Blog

  10. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Refreshing ... If blogs were dairy products, this would be the cream.



  11. Thought you might like to try these new Blogger templates as your blog template.

  12. Muito belo seu trabalho.Abelhas são o bichinhos mais trabalhadores de Deus.E como são úteis

  13. Congrats on being the blogs of note!

  14. Congradulations for being blogs of note. I like to see what they pick occasionally. Your blog is a deserving one, sometimes I wonder what their criteria is as some of them are way out there.

    Love the bees.

  15. You are so brave! If I see one bee I run away screaming.


  16. Congrats! What u r doin is great! I wish I have the courage to handle bees. I'm glad I came across ur page.

  17. Bees are awesome. I love honey.

  18. Congratulations on blog of note! Well deserved I might say. I'm going to follow this blog. Bees and their hive interaction is fascinating. I look forward to reading back into your older posts. Thanks for sharing your talent with us all!

  19. Hi, and congratulations on being recognized by Blogger. I check their Blogs Of Note occasionally, and most of them are about stuff I don't really care too much about, but I like anything that has to with insects. I don't have the time to do more than skim through your blog tonight, but I'll be back! Please stop by and visit my bug blog when you get a chance.

  20. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Dear brave Linda's Bee,
    Good day...

    You have chosen a right business.
    Honey was created by God for human being.

    Keep up a good work and congratulation for being chosen as 'blogs of note'

    spy equipment 4u

  21. Wow!!! I would have never thought bee keeping could be soo interesting!! Thank you for allowing me to see a different perspective!! A very intersting one at that!!

    COngrats on the blog of note!! ;0)

  22. blogs of note picked a good one this time. I clicked it because my family just returned to bee keeping this summer. We harvested 20 pounds of honey. I wrote extensively about it on my blog and have linked your site to mine so that I and others can check in on you frequently. Happy Beekeeping and thanks for educating people on the importance of bees. I would be flattered if you checked out my post labeled busy bees on www.corinswalkinthepark.blogspot.com

  23. My best to you and this blog! It looks quite interesting.

    I will be back soon to read more. Of interest is your take on man's role (obvious) in the bees' collapse.

    Wasn't it Einstein who said if the bees go extinct, man will follow in four days?

    Time for us to wake up!

  24. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Bee is the fabolous animal in the world...

    nice to see u!! :)

  25. I found your blog via "Blogs of Note." I was very happy to do so. I kept bees many many years ago. Now my husband is interested in beekeeping someday. I reckon we're just bee people at heart.

  26. Anonymous2:25 AM

    This is really cool

  27. Anonymous4:11 AM


  28. Anonymous4:11 AM


  29. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Raise your hand to those who have not been stung by a bee.

    2 million visits by a bee make only 500 gms of honey ?

    A bee-si-ness.

  30. What a lovely site (and way of life).

  31. What a fascinating life you lead! I'll very much enjoy revisiting your site.

    All the best from Australia,

  32. Anonymous6:41 AM


  33. A passionate blog full of info. You look as though you're having an amazing time in the 'ghost buster' style bee gear!

  34. Anonymous9:14 AM


  35. congrats on being a blog of note...from our yoga retreat center, Florian Villa Yoga Retreats on the magnificent island of St. John, US Virgin Islands. Namaste!

  36. Facinating blog..........I had no idea the work involved in beekeeping. Thank you for a very informative blog.

  37. Congratulations on being "Blog of Note". It's well deserved.

    I enjoyed reading your posts. One thing that really stands out is the close, personal relationship that you have developed with your bees ... like they are family. If everyone had that kind of care and concern for "critters" ... we'd all be better off.

    Take care!

    Small Footprints

  38. Great blog. I've heard that the worldwide population of bees is disappearing so your work is all the more commendable.
    I have a beehive outside my home and published a post on my blog about it. If you get a minute see http://mohannanjundan.blogspot.com/2008/09/structural-engineering.html

  39. I found you on blogspot and look forward to following you!


  40. http://usadastangas.blogspot.com/ visitar mi blog besosss carla

  41. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Hi Linda!
    I just read an article in a norwegian newspaper on the disapperance of bees. It was very interesting, and after reading it I have been thinking of actually try beekeeping myself, when I move to the country.
    I'll keep reading your blog!
    Lots of love, Line :)

  42. what a treat reading your blog!
    thanks so much for such incredible information

  43. Really good, "posts" I saw. That's really smart punishment.
    Was nice to see you. -bye =)

  44. I just wanna say congratulations!
    What a great hobby u got.
    Very interesting and challenging.
    Wish u all the best!
    Me loving the honey;)

  45. great post....
    im thinking of liking bees right now, more posts pls.....


  46. I know how endengered honey bees are now. I didn't know honey bees are disappearing from the universe. I hope that we can stop it. I truly admire of you work!!!

  47. Congratulations! I just found your great blog in the Blogs of Note.

    I'm a gardening blogger and about to feature a beekeeper article on my blog, Defining Your Home Garden in North Carolina.

    My beekeeping friend, who supports the "Save the Hive" site, is helping me out.

    I'm going to link to your blog from mine. Hope that's okay.


  48. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Well I am one that found you on blogs of note and was happy to as we are wanting to get into beekeeping!! Looking forward to gleaning all your bee wisdom!!

    mary :)

  49. Congrats, you deserve it! Thanks for sharing!

  50. What a fascinating site! Although I'm not a beekeeper I've always been interested in bees. When I was a kid we had bees move into the wall by our chimney. My dad cut a hole in the wall and put up a glass panel so that we could observe them. It was great! We did finally have a beekeeper friend remove them.

  51. You are 1 of 7 blogs I have tagged. You can read more about it here: http://juanshappywife.blogspot.com/2008/10/i-have-been-tagged.html

    I love your blog. I aspire to have a few hives of my own when I have the land to do it. Right now, I am not sure my landlord would approve ;)

  52. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Congratulations on your 'Blog of Note' status from a friend at the beemaster forum! Shoot I wish I looked that good in a veil.

  53. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Hi! You have a Great blog!!
    How about exchanging Links?!
    Visit my Blog & if u like it,pls add it to your Blogroll and I too will put a Link for your Site on my Blog!!


  54. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Hi! You have a Great blog!!
    How about exchanging Links?!
    Visit my Blog & if u like it,pls add it to your Blogroll and I too will put a Link for your Site on my Blog!!


  55. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I have followed you from Blogger. Unsurprisingly, people around the world love your blog coz it's informative and interesting.

  56. Gratulations! I found you on that link as well. Never knew that this link existed. :)

  57. I am so happy you are doing so much for bees!!

  58. Great blog, I'm going to show the pics to my kids, they'll be fascinated! I've linked to your blog, we live in the country and I know our friends and family will also like your blog.


  59. Very interesting blog! I'm Veronica from Mauritius. Can anyone start beekeeping? Should one have a large plot of land to do that?

    Best wishes.

  60. Ah, bees! Many years ago I made a few extra bucks now and then assembling hives for Mr. Ruhl in Portland, Oregon. He ran a bee supply company. He would have my friend and I assemble hives from rejected components he could not sell.

    He said his bees didn't mind.

    We would sit for hours in the back of his shop, surrounded by bees that had wandered in from the rooftop hives. Always plenty of honey of every imaginable origin in the break room. We would build frames by the dozens.

    Congratulations on being selected for Blogs of Note. Happy blogging! Click on over and visit mine, if you have a mind. I have short stories, philosophy, barbecue, and Everything Else!

  61. Great blog! We hope to start our own bee-keeping operation next year. Thanks for some solid info. Vikki www.thorntonwilliamsfamily.blogspot.com

  62. yes, there are many of us coming from blogsofnote! congrats on the listing

  63. Anonymous6:36 PM


  64. Hi, I'm another visitor from BON. Very interesting blog and deservedly picked to feature. I've added you to my blogs to follow as I've been researching about the possibility of keeping bees here in the scottish islands.

  65. Congratulations on the "Blogs of Note" inclusion! I've added your blog to blogs I'm following because I think what you're doing is EXCITING and I'm glad you're sharing with the public your experiences! I live in the city and am still trying to figure out how to join the small group of "urban beekeepers" that exist discretely in cities across our nation. Good for you!

  66. Anonymous2:32 AM

    So Cool! And have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN

  67. A really great site,we keep bees in the UK and at the moment we have 9 hives 1 WBC and 8 national hives these are mostly kept down the farm but it has been a tough year with the bad weather we have had but we have high hopes for 2009 as we we picked up 3 swarms in the late summer.
    Once again thanks for a great blog.


  68. I am new to blogging and have been reading some of the "blogs of note". There are a lot that I just don't get. Yours however is one of the most interesting and blog-worthy. I will be visiting regularly because I would like to learn something about bees. I have been concerned with the decline in the bee population. Keep up the good work.


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