Then I wanted to feed them since it's only a short time until winter and they are weak and small. So I put a third medium nuc box on top of the hive body and put a ziploc baggie feeder on the tops of the frames beneath. Because it is a quart instead of a gallon bag, I'll need to check on it more frequently.

So here's their new "deluxe apartment in the sky..." Doesn't it look like a row house!
But I think the girls may have the capacity to fill the second medium box before winter hits. Several beekeepers I respect keep bees in nucs through the winter in much colder climates than here in Hotlanta - Michael Bush in Nebraska, Ross Conrad in Vermont. So I am having hope for the future, especially if the new queen emerges and gets well-mated.

The only problem is that the nuc box on the bottom is poorly built and a little warped. I didn't match up the sides well and it's uneven on the top, so the bees are using the space between the bottom box and the first blue medium box as a middle entrance.
Hi, I am a new beek in Los Angeles and have just discovered your wonderful blog. Re: your middle entrance---It's hot here in LA, and a lot of us have noticed entrance crowding/fanning, massive bearding, etc. Our 'guru' suggested ventilating upper boxes with small shims between the supers. This seems to be a positive. For one thing, my bees have been encouraged to move up and start a second brood chamber--the first one is practically solid.