The bee-beard on this hive grows every night - in one way this is a good sign because it means that there are more and more bees being born in my hive. I wonder what it will look like in August in Atlanta when it is REALLY hot? Earlier in this blog
(a little less than a week ago at about the same time at night) you can see the hive with smaller bee-beard.
I took this picture at 11:40 PM in Atlanta and by morning the beard is reduced by about half and gradually is replaced by bees who are foraging. They still congregate all day on the front porch where they "dance" until the beard builds up again at night.

PS I added a super to Destin on Friday, giving the bees more room and the possibility for more ventilation. They look just like this picture even after supering...this must be what beekeeping looks like at night in the deep south.

Beards-o-bees are normal this time of the year. It's hot now.
ReplyDeleteAll your questions can be answered, numerous times, if you go back in time a bit on the Beemaster website and do a little reading. Won't take much because there is really not much to keeping bees, except what folks make of it. Meaning that bees are going to do certain things and they will do that over and over again, such as bearding when it's hot.
Beards-o-bees are normal this time of the year. It's hot now.
ReplyDeleteAll your questions can be answered, numerous times, if you go back in time a bit on the Beemaster website and do a little reading. Won't take much because there is really not much to keeping bees, except what folks make of it. Meaning that bees are going to do certain things and they will do that over and over again, such as bearding when it's hot.