Michael Bush, a beekeeper whose wisdom frequently appears on Beemaster Forum discussions and on Beesource, no longer paints his equipment. As you can see from the unpainted state of the slatted rack, I am planning to follow his lead.

The reason to use a slatted rack is to help with hive ventilation. Bees apparently hang out on the rack, flap their wings and generally enjoy themselves. The slatted rack provides a space for bees to use to spread out inside the hive rather than outside. Destin makes the biggest beard at night and I am hoping this will help.

I return the deep and the medium without removing any frames. I don't want to disturb the hives any more than I have to. The reason to inspect the brood chamber is to make sure brood is being raised and you can see the huge numbers of bees. Clearly with the increased number of bees in my hives, they have been busy multiplying.

Look at the edge of Destin. I've hung a rack there to hang frames on it so that we can really look at them. I'm using my hive tool to remove from the hive body.

By now a disturbed bee is recognizing my daughter's presence on the deck and goes over to tell Becky to leave immediately. It worked! The bees just looked at Becky, flew around her head and sent Becky inside with her camera. This picture of the beautiful capped honey was taken through the sunporch window!
Hi, Linda! I am so impressed with everything bee you are doing! It looks like a lot of work with much fun & learning involved. I am really enjoying following your blog. :) Thank you for sharing it with all of us!