I opened the hives today for the first time in two weeks.
On Bermuda the top three shallow supers are full. I chose with my hives (to cope with the weight of full containers) to put a deep on the bottom and a medium above it. Then I added the supposed honey supers as shallows above that.
The super closest to the two bottom hive bodies has both honey and brood in it in Bermuda. This means that the bees needed that space for growing new bees, so I won't take that super for me.


Destin, which previously had one full super and two empty ones, now has two completely full and capped shallow supers (no brood in these supers). I moved the remaining empty super to the lowest honey super position, directly above the brood boxes. We'll see what happens.
Look at the huge numbers of bees on top of the super! I took this one from the middle and put it on top - wow, what a lot of bees!
Both hives seem to be thriving. I did see a lot of small hive beetles in the inner covers of both hives and smushed as many of them as I could with my hive tool.

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