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I began this blog to chronicle my beekeeping experiences. I have read lots of beekeeping books, but nothing takes the place of either hands-on experience with an experienced beekeeper or good pictures of the process. I want people to have a clearer picture of what to expect in their beekeeping so I post pictures and write about my beekeeping saga here.Master Beekeeper Enjoy with me as I learn and grow as a beekeeper.

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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Rescued Nuc Hive has Died

Today at the end of the work day, I decided to check to see if the nuc hive needed more sugar syrup. I had put baggie feeders on top of the nuc box under the inner cover and top of the nuc. There appeared to be no bees when I opened the top. When I removed the baggies I could see ripped up comb and dead bees. You can see the ragged edges of comb and a few of the dead bees in the picture below.

Sadly I lifted off the box and here's what the bottom board looked like.

I sifted through the bodies but didn't see the dead queen although I am sure she was in the pile somewhere. The beige stuff is composed of the wax cappings, ripped off of the comb as the robbing commenced.

I wish I had been a better beekeeper. All of this destruction is because I replaced the queen in Devorah when the original queen was still alive and kicking, although not laying. I also think this is because we have had such a drought in Georgia that supplies for the bees are so low - just as the US economy is in a recession, the bees are in a depression!
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  1. aww :( that's sad. I'm sorry about your bees.

  2. Please could you explain a bit more about the robber bees? Are they from one of your other hives? Thanks. Sue

  3. The robbers very likely came from one of the four hives on my deck. One of those hives is fairly low on stores for the winter and probably participated in the demise of this hive. However, the robbers could also have come from nearby hives - there are at least two other beekeepers I know who live within a couple of miles of my house.

  4. Sorry about the bees. It was probably from one of the other hives, huh? This is an interesting blog. I'll have to look at it more.

  5. There are indeed a few yellow jackets among the dead honeybees, opportunists who also were trying to steal from the bees. But the demise of the hive occurred because of stealing from other bees, not because of the yellow jackets, who also died in the melee.


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