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I began this blog to chronicle my beekeeping experiences. I have read lots of beekeeping books, but nothing takes the place of either hands-on experience with an experienced beekeeper or good pictures of the process. I want people to have a clearer picture of what to expect in their beekeeping so I post pictures and write about my beekeeping saga here.Master Beekeeper Enjoy with me as I learn and grow as a beekeeper.

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Saturday, April 04, 2009

Freeman Beetle Trap

Today I opened up my hive named Bermuda. This is the hive with the Freeman beetle trap on it. I fully expected to find SHBs under the inner cover as I usually do. I did not see a single beetle in this hive today. Instead I found many dead beetles in the oil tray, along with a lot of other hive debris. Hooray!

A closer view of the oil and debris in the tray:

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  1. Dear Linda,perfect idea and application as a result you won this war,best wishes,take care.

  2. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I was given a two box hive , now this hive has not been opened for some time , I opened the top up and found that the bees entered the cavity under the lid where they are not supposed to be
    After I cleaned all this up I proceeded to the top box, same thing all frames were joint as one , I removed one frame at a time and cut the access wax from all sides of the frame of into a bucket
    after the top box was done I left it for a day or so , I added some new frames that only had foundation wax and stored the honey full frames in the freezer as last time I did this the SHB made a real mess

    I have been away for one week and this morning a went to check on the bees and I found that the SHB has taken a hold of the hive , The bees are still very active but the larvae is now into the frames
    What is my best action to take ?

    I do have some traps coming next week and I will be making a hive with the trap in place
    I did look for the queen , as I have never seen one I could be looking at anything LOL
    If I was to make new frames and foundation wax add the bees to the box would this work?
    I would also add some of the stored frames I have at the same time

    In Australia winter will be here soon what em I to do ???


    Cheers Martin

  3. If the SHB can take over, the hive was weak to begin with. You could combine this hive with another one if you have that opportunity. You did what anyone would do - try to clean it all up and take care of the situation. The SHB in the picture more means that the hive needs help. For example, if you don't have another hive, see if a fellow beekeeper would be willing to give you a frame of brood and bees to strengthen this hive. BTW, you don't have to see the queen - it does help if you can see evidence of her presence - such as eggs and young larvae.


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