Indeed she was released as the empty cage below shows.

The hive was filled with bees and there was a quiet calm to the hive.

When Julia installed her Purvis brothers' queen, she had frame after frame of gorgeous brood to show for it. This hive, upon full inspection, had little to no brood and I saw no uncapped brood or eggs. At the bottom of one frame there were three opened queen cells - two ripped open and one with an opening at the bottom.
My guess is that the Purvis queen didn't work out and they made their own queen who may or may not get mated and do OK before winter. I think if there were no queen, I would have had a hard time with the inspection - they were quiet and calm and I used no smoke (didn't even have my smoker with me).
I am so discouraged by this whole process. I feel even worse that I killed the healthy queen and now the whole hive may die. I don't want to spend another $44 (queen plus shipping) on a failed endeavor (and frankly, don't have money to do that right now), and I don't want the hive to die. Bad Karma - all the way around - it seems to me.
I totally understand how you are feeling about this hive. My scenario has been similar. So far it appears the requeening worked, but if it doesn't the hive is doomed.
ReplyDeleteSending some good Karma your way!!!