I did learn a few practical things by osmosis, I guess. I know to put soap on a screw before turning it and it will go in smoother. I know to think about where the screwdriver will go when it slips instead of using it and having an unforeseen accident. But I can't easily build things on my own.
So I was thrilled to find and adjustable window screen - 10 " high; 19" - 33" wide.

The robbers are attracted to the hive because of the honey. They are drawn to the entrance of the hive where they smell the honey. The bees who live in a hive are attracted to the queen. They will try to move heaven and earth to get to her.
The theory of the robber screen is that you are placing a barrier in front of the hive entrance - thus keeping out the robbers - and making a new entrance several inches above the original one that the resident bees will use. The residents will find it because they will work hard to find a way to get to the queen.
I cut a piece of molding 1.5"X.75" and nailed it
to the wood at the edge of the adjustable screen.

The bees in Bermuda (where the screen has been attached) were furious. They declared it loudly from the front of the hive. I left for the evening hoping they would find their way into the hive.

Wow, what a clever idea. Although I've never had any trouble with robbing, I'll have to keep this in mind. Hope it works. Also, I have the username "Apis629" in beemaster and, I would like to show you my bee-blog. http://apiscomb.blogspot.com
ReplyDeletemake a 15 square cm area by 15cm long entrance tunnel.
ReplyDeleteThis mimics a typical tree nest entrance. Honeybees know how to defend if they have one of these. you will find lots of your bees will hang out in it ready to defend the nest.
Suggest putting the screen on at night or early morning before the bees are out and about. That way, the first time they confront the screen, they must learn the way out. That done, the way back in is made much easier. I use the robbing screen made by Country Rubes, which is very similar. Works well.
ReplyDeleteI gather the best time to put a robbing screen on is at night or very early in the morning. I'm told that the hived bees (i.e. the resident ones) will very quickly find the right way out/exit, but that foreign/robbing bees will buzz around outside and be fooled.
ReplyDeleteI now (2018) keep robber screens on my hives all the time. Instead of this screen, I use Billy Davis' robber screen (search blog for this) and I never have robbing with the ongoing Billy Davis screen. Takes the bees a little while to adjust but after that they are fine.