When I returned, there appeared to be peace in the bee world, but not for long.
The Beemaster forum people suggested that I might want to use a robber screen. I read all about it and went to Home Depot to buy my supplies.

This is the tale that began in 2006 in my first year of beekeeping in Atlanta, GA. ...there's still so much to learn.
Before feeding, the feeder had been empty a week. The bees coming and going were light. After feeding - it looked like this: http://myratnest.blogspot.com/2010/09/robbers.html
ReplyDeleteIs this typical?
A Boardman feeder on the outside of the hive, particularly in the late summer, early fall, is an invitation to robbers. All fall feeding should be done inside the hive - baggie or hive top feeder or something similar.