I didn't get it, so I went back to my room again and he dashed ahead of me. Then I heard it - the sound of a buzzing bee. I couldn't see the bee. The ones in my house usually go toward the light bulbs but no bee was there. Then I realized the problem. Henry had a bee deep in his fur and wanted me to rescue him from her potential attack. I couldn't find the bee and in the end Henry squashed her and left her on the floor near my chair!
I don't think he was stung this time, although he has had that experience before. Every time he goes near the hives, he gets bees in his long black coat. I believe the bees think he is a bear.
oh, wow...caught in his fur? that's something i never would have imagined! glad henry is o.k. :) love the pictures of the flowers..your garden always looks so nice. loved seeing you last weekend ~