Here's a bee working hard to get the pollen from a newly opened blossom.
Again, the bee is working in the younger flower.
Here's the whole bush so you can see the variety in the color of the roses. The lighter roses are more newly opened.
This is the tale that began in 2006 in my first year of beekeeping in Atlanta, GA. ...there's still so much to learn.
Hi Linda, Mutabilis would have to be my favourite rose ! I have always had a bush growing where ever I live, must plant acouple near my hives. I love the way the flowers change colour, it flowers all year here and is very disease resistent.Roses don`t do that well here in the Waikato as it is too humid in the summer and we don`t get really cold winters to kill off the bugs. Mutabilis is one of the few that don`t mind the conditions.