I built and painted the medium box below which I will add to my weak hive today. The weak hive isn't growing like gangbusters, but they have expanded and now are using about 7 of the frames in their box. I want to add another box to make it easier for the queen to expand upwards if she is so inclined.
I painted it Bermuda's peach beige color. Hammering together the box doesn't take long (I watched Planet Earth on the Discovery Channel while I did it.) Painting is more challenging because I have to keep the dogs from being curious.
Then I put together 10 medium frames for this box. I have lots of shallow frames for honey supers but will be building lots of medium frames this year as I move to using medium boxes. You can see the six I already made when I had the idea to take a picture of putting one together. I usually set the whole thing up on a Rubbermaid footstool and then hammer the nails into the narrow bottom bar first.
I'll bet all of you already know how to hammer a nail! You put two in each end of the frame.
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