They were driving up from Atlanta so while I was waiting for them, I walked the trail around the lake at Black Rock Mountain state park. At this time of year I always see pink lady's slipper in bloom there and I didn't want to miss it. Right where it always is, I found it again and took its picture. Here it is in 2006, in 2007,

Noah tried to find the queen (he's a great queen spotter), but we never saw her. This inspection was at 6 PM so the light wasn't the greatest.

The bees were all dusted with this yellow pollen and even the comb was yellow as the pollen.

They are building pretty comb. I love how yellow it is.

I had brought an extra box but they haven't come close to using the second box, so I left things as they are and came home. I'll be up there next on Memorial Day weekend and we'll see how they are doing then.
Linda -- Clayton is having a Festival in the field with the hive on Oct. 2nd. Please give me a call or email about this.
ReplyDeleteJana Hill